Silage System 1, 2, 3 vs other systems
Within the main substitute systems and complementary to the 1 - 2 - 3 system, we could find small silage bags, square bales and round bales.
Initial investment
Initial investment change betweenprograms, but in general terms from lowestto highest the order should be: Small silagebags, System 1,2,3, Square Bales and finallyRound Bales.
Quality of the final product
In all systems, good quality storage can beachieved, if the correct practices are done. Itmust be understood that there are qualitydifferences between a silo, a haylage and ahay. The silo bag because of its smallpresentation, may be the most affected of allsystems if there is air presence, bad closureof the bag or rodents presence.
Hand Labor The system that requires more hand labor is small silage in a 50 kg bag. In small square bales, the labor of picking up the bales in the field is intensive, if the process is not mechanized. The system 1,2,3 and round bales, can be operated by one or two tractor drivers and could change according to the situation.
Maintenance All systems require careful operation and good harvesting conditions. The main risk could be associated to lack of experience of the driver, stones, slopes, sticks, wires... In general first time you work in new land, you should be more careful.
Performance The system of lower performance will be of silage in small bags. Among the other 3 systems there will be many considerations, such as kind of crop, density of the crop, distance to the storage place, etc. However, round bales have an advantage compared to other systems, since the bales can be left at the harvest place and transported later to the storage location.
Other Systems
Silage in small bags
This system is usually used by small producers and by those who sell silage. The more used presentation is 50 kg bag. This presentation makes it one of the preferred systems, of those who do not have mechanized the delivery of forage to the animals and they do it manually by rations.
Equipment: Harvester, Trailer, Silo Pack. Optional: Pasture head. Advantages: Easy to use, easy to sell, versatility. Disadvantages: Higher cost in plastic, greater amount of labor, possibility of rodent attack.
Round Bales
This system is used by medium and large producers, for their own consumption or to provide services. The most common bale size is 1.2 m wide x 1.2 m in diameter. It is easy to supplement with this system. The animals can eat directly from the bale, leaving it in the paddocks.
Equipment: Mower, spreader, rake, baler.
Optional: Wrapper, bale loader, trailer.
Advantages: Good compaction and quality.
Disadvantages: The manipulation must be mechanized. The stems in some forages are not eaten by the animal as they are not chopped
Small square bales
The square bales are used by medium, largeproducers and bale sellers. The small size(36x46x60 cms approx.) low weight (12 kgaround.), Makes it easier to transport andhandle. This presentation of hay is desired bythe riders.
Equipment: Mower, spreader, rake, baler.
Optional trailer for transporting bales, balelifter.
Advantages: Ease to handle, easy marketing,widely used in horse feeding.
Disadvantages: Not easy pick up and storage. In larger programs it is more convenient touse larger bales. Low versatility.